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The Species Called FEMALE

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Before a guy leaves the house, he finally checks his image on the mirror. Satisfied that he looks human or at most presentable, he then heads out. Meanwhile, if a lady is leaving the house, she NEEDS to check how she looks on the mirrors in her room, the bathroom, and the living room. Only then she heads out. However, along the way, she would intentionally check her image on the car’s mirror, bus’s mirror, her own pocket mirror, and on anything that could reflect her; be it in a shiny bald man’s head or a puddle of water across the street. Notice the difference? Read on to find more.

Ladies…women…the epitome of vanity. Most of them believe that it is a sin if a ‘lady’ does not carry with her a mirror. This should have been the women’s best friend because it is the very thing that can perfectly reflect their appearance and can stand reflecting for hours without getting tired. Females are those two-legged creatures who usually move slowly and would hide this habit under the word “GRACEFUL”. They would “GRACEFULLY” walk by the lobby causing traffic jam among other people who would run late for their engagements. Yes, gracefully that you would think gravity exempts them because some would glide slowly seemingly floating an inch from the ground. Dressing up for a date requires ladies expendable time and their dates a saintly patience and a strong butt for long sitting. Their reason revolves around the choosing of wardrobe and other paraphernalia to make up the whole attire. Most would love a grand entrance declaring that they are ‘fashionably late’ with a big smile.

Female restroom is also a social gathering area aside from its primary purpose. For example, in a school setting, they would meet there every after class, before class, and in between breaks just to powder their faces, brush their hairs, and hell knows what else they do there. Even in the classrooms, subject after subject some gals would meekly brush their hairs, apply lip-gloss, dab powder or blush on. They do these daily, hour after hour, seven days a week, for a year, and for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, some are not contented of just four sprays of perfume on the usual areas. They would spray and spray until their fingers start to hurt signaling them to stop. But there is this particular lady who has several styles of spraying her perfume and there is one that really caught my attention. Believe it or not, she would spray the perfume above her head, then hassle to spin around the spot where the perfume would eventually cling to her. She explained that this is the most effective way to spread the scent all over the body. After seeing that spectacular yet (I-don’t-know) stupid display, it made me think of how weird women can be and perhaps, it gets weirder the more you ponder about it.

An irritating fact about some women is their tendency to be fickle-minded. In a clearer way of explaining this, let us suppose a group of ladies are to meet in a café for their daily ‘sisterhood-bonding-session’, when suddenly one of them excused herself for an unreasonable reason. As always, the other gals would try to persuade the kill-joy culprit in getting back her senses, yet the more persuasion the more excuses pop up. This changing-of-mind attitude is a BIG NO NO, especially for most guys. Who would be happy when your girlfriend told you that you are seeing each other the next day, then suddenly tells you that she needs to fix the roof? Thus, the date is cancelled? Hello? That is a lousy excuse! Fix the roof? You do not even let a single ray of sunlight to touch you! They would commit themselves on something then change their mind on the last minute with a lame excuse of, “Uh…something came up, I can’t go”, and believe it or not, they could make lots of imaginative things for that ‘something’.

Ahem. Let us now proceed to the BRIGHTER side. Most females have therapeutic ways to calm anyone. It is because of their gentle nature. We know they are ‘graceful’ and along with their gracefulness is gentleness. The way they speak in a smooth soft tone, their tender gestures, and the way they comfort you is so real you will crave for it. Because of this asset it is easy for them to tame a wild boar with just a few strokes of their fingertips. Another good thing about them is that they are usually opinionated. Women are quite emotional which is why asking for their opinion is good. They think more realistically, so asking for their advice is a sure fire for your problem (or not LOL).

Anyway, I have stumbled upon an amusing selection compiled by Kimberly Kirberger and a fascinating result from my own survey.

A Few Reasons Why Guys Like Girls By Kimberly Kirberger

1. They always smell good, even if it’s just shampoo. 2. The way their heads always find the right spot on your shoulder. 3. The ease of which they fit into your arms. 4. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world. 5. How cute they are when they eat. 6. The way they take hours to dress, but in the end it’s all worthwhile. 7. The way they look good no matter what they wear. 8. How cute they are when they argue. 9. The way they smile.

10. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn’t hurt them anymore.

Guys Adore Gals Who Are: By Yours Truly

1. Simple 2. Good-looking 3. Slim but with little chubbiness 4. Smart 5. Sweet

Photo by Pleiocene Pictures (

A guy commented, “Simple ladies are more appealing because they don’t need to be complicated to be beautiful…they just need to be themselves”. Hmmm…see that? No matter how vain, how indecisive or fickle-minded the female species are, guys admit it. You want and need them despite their horrific side. Our differences make this world spin around with spice and color although it may be annoying at times. It is a small world and we do not have a choice but to live, even if it means being together with vain women under the same sun. We all have our differences. Without it wouldn’t our world be a lot more boring and monotonous than it is?

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